CN 7195, a railway Combine car, was brought to RMEO in Smiths Falls in 1990. In its early years here it received some attention, but then was neglected for a while. Starting in the summer of 2012 I began to restore the railway car to what it looked like in 1956 when it entered service as a Combine. It is now the spring of 2014, and while I have made good progress, there is still years of work left to restore it. These pages document some of the work I have done to try and bring it back to life.
The goal of my work is to restore it as a museum piece, not as an operating piece of equipment. As such, the focus in on cosmetic and stabilization restoration. Having said that, every effort is taken to restore it just as it was, where material and labour allow it.
In order to make managing this site easier, each portion of the project is broken out into its own section. The contents can be seen on the right, and selected from there. They can also be selected from the drop down menus above. I have not tried to make any sort of a chronological time line with these web pages. In fact I am often working on many things at once, so doing so would be almost impossible. However, within each page, I generally provide the rough month(s)/year(s) that I worked on something.
If you are looking for a specific part of the restoration project (or more like what I have done to a certain piece of the car), and you don’t see it on the right, then I have not done anything yet to it. In the future I will use the blog section of this site to let you know when there are updates.